Tuesday, June 08, 2004

A suggestion for a communication style for Future Creators

My primary intention in setting up this blog was to provide an "inhouse", editable and archivable conversation medium to augment what Critt was already doing, and to eliminate from our "meta-level" conversation things like the traffic report he just posted.( I have asked him for permission to delete this post and any like it, since it just clutters up the process Iwas trying to simplify.

Tom already has a very public forum for his own postings and commentary on the Barnett Weblog and more detailed background and information about Tom on the PNM website. I request that we keep the future creators(FC) blog for the big picture of designing and implementing an extension from where Tom has already positioned himself towards a entrepreneurial strategic consulting business model which I believe we have the capacity, experience, resources and need to buil.

I would hope that most of our early discussion will be directed toward :

(1) A "branded" Portal with world-class GIS mapping and presentation capability that can be used to enhance Tom's present thought leadership positioning and extend his reach and impact as the "rainmaker" for a strategy consulting business based on his thought leadership

(2) A knowledge development, management and publishing infrastructure that can support high-level consulting engagements and provide clients with a strategic decision support system that can allow for collection,synthesis and presentation of wide range of data sets that can serve to illustrate the Core/Gap concept and a mapping tool for simulation of alternative scenarios and gaming

and (3) collaborative co-design and evolution of the consulting practice business model.

Tom can continue to use the existing Weblog, and Website as you have been doing to keep the "buzz" about the book ongoing for as long as possible. I would like to save this blog for the "rest of the story" In PNM parlance, the book has created a surprising system perturbation, but it's half-life is likely to be short unless we augment the buzz with some real tools and practices that can put his ideas to work in the organizations and institutions we need to change to help make a future worth creating.

Your comments are welcome.

Dave Davison


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