Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Technology Stir Fry: Barnett in Second Life

good analysis of tom's "appearance" on SL - the blog post suggests the development of a virtual public speaking coach. good idea.Technology Stir Fry: Barnett in Second Life

A presentation and Q&A by a best-selling current affairs author as part of a book tour for his new book is significant for Second Life because it is just the sort of thing he would have been doing anyway… but virtual. If and when we get to the point where authors of all stripes (even ones that don't blog a torrent of words every day) are prodded into including Second Life as part of their publication tour, I suggest that we're well on our way towards integrating Stephenson's metaverse into our everyday life. Similarly, when people with serious public policy ideas start using places like Second Life as just one more of the venues they can use to reach a global audience, we'll know the credibility gap is closing. Dr. Barnett's session was a bit of both of the above, and therefore doubly welcome.


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