Tuesday, September 06, 2005

New Orleans - a Chernobyl-like vision of the GAP in the Homeland

Thomas P.M. Barnett :: Weblog

Tom Barnett places the Katrina disaster and its aftermath in the strategic matrix he has now established in the Pentagon's New Map and his soon-to-be released A BluePrint for Action.

With a Bush White House on its heels, expect the midlevel bureaucrats who really
run Washington to be largely in control through the remainder of the term, and
here the System Perturbation that is Katrina will likely prove Chernobyl-like in its
impact: spurring the system toward a profound rethinking of what security really
is in this increasingly interconnected world (the loss of the node that is N.O.
being the biggest horizontal scenario for the long haul, revealing as it does critical infrastructural weaknesses in our economy). Rebuilding the devastated coast willbe a lot like shrinking the Gap, because to create real resiliency there we'll end up creating lots of new infrastructure where we now realize there was none—or at
least not nearly enough.

This will not be a rebuilding, but a re-imagining—just like we need to do in the
Gap. And here I think the country will end up regretting giving Bush four more
years because—again—this crowd lacks imagination.

Still, it's not just the military's turn toward the SysAdmin function that's likely to be accelerated, we're likely to see a new empathetic resonance across previously
firewalled sectors, like urban renewal and foreign aid, overseas crisis response
and homeland security, and public versus private responsibilities for ensuring
social resilience.

And in this process, I really believe we'll get stronger, get smarter, and move this
pile. In getting a real dose of what the Gap feels like within our borders, we
should start noticing the larger picture, the larger challenges, and the larger

Saturday, September 03, 2005

WorldChanging: Another World Is Here

NIC - Mapping the Global Future: Pervasive Insecurity

Resilience Science

Friday, September 02, 2005

Thomas P.M. Barnett :: Weblog: Katrina's System Perturbation may feature many long horizontal scenarios

Tom's answer to my earlier email on Katrina crossed in cyberspace .. this is a great segue to Tom's multilens analytical toolset - and yields a very thoughtful response. Tom probably didn't even see my email -but responded nonetheless.

Food for thought:Thomas P.M. Barnett :: Weblog: Katrina's System Perturbation may feature many long horizontal scenarios

Events Disruption mangement stanford symposium Sept 8th

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Thursday, September 01, 2005

Email to Tom Barnett - Katrina


From recent postings on your blog, I realize you are just passing through some critical adjustments in your work life and that you have found in Steve a strong force requiring you to run fast to keep up with the new environment. So I hope you will have the patience to deal with the following comment triggered by the devastatiion of Hurricane Katrina.

To use your terminology, Katrina has just dealt our homeland a massive system perturbation - with far reaching consequences for America's Resiliency - and I find no serious mention in your blog yet of how you think we should balance our response to this shock to our homeland with your already well thought-out strategies for dealing with the GWOT and your prescriptions for shrinking the GAP that will be forthcoming in BFA and in America Resilient.

I believe that in order to retain the high ground position in the Resiliency game that has been emerging from your strategic messages in PNM and BFA you also need to be seen as giving priority effort to helping our country deal with something as shocking to our national system as this unfolding tragedy. The GAME has changed, and I think you have the mental bandwidth to make the adjustments necessary to incorporate dealing with this new system perturbation and its accompanying demand for new rules sets as you have shown in developing your strategic themes thus far. How will you and Enterra respond to this massive new shock to our system?

dave davison

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