Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A LEVER LONG ENOUGH: Value driven enterprise in the networked information economy

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

ManyWorlds Partners & Affiliates

ManyWorlds Partners & Affiliates: "We believe the way to generate the greatest possible value is to work with the best, because we generate extraordinary value for clients by delivering truly leading practices and thought leadership. If you are the best in your field, ManyWorlds can structure a relationship that rapidly yields results. Example relationships include:

* Revenue sharing of joint solution delivery
* Joint marketing agreements
* Collaborative practice development & delivery
* Cross-marketing of products and services

" - The Knowledge Network for Thought Leaders on Business Strategy, Innovation and Futures.

A distinguished list of thought leaders - "If you need a speaker for your organization's event, please contact us at, and we will work with you on a complimentary basis to find a speaker from our Thought Leader Network and other sources that meet your needs. " - The Knowledge Network for Thought Leaders on Business Strategy, Innovation and Futures.


quicktime movies of the negative impact of technologies on our ability to live in the the "real world"


tdaxp : Redefining the Gap, a tdaxp Press Release

link from Critt - tdaxp has completed and released Redefining the Gap, originally written for a graduate course in political science, was expanded and re-edited for the Internet. Redefining the Gap sheds new light Barnettian concepts, such as the "Functioning Core" and "Non-Integrating Gap," as well as ideas such as Thomas Hobbes' description of natural life as "nasty, brutish, and short."tdaxp : Redefining the Gap, a tdaxp Press Release

Friday, May 19, 2006

BreakingUp Old Networks

Flickr: The Brain Age Drawings Pool

Thursday, May 18, 2006

test of the vi/mf journal posting

GroupMind Express Fair Use - Is It Fair?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Scott Hall introduced me to this company which he reps in the US. Looks a lot like DataFusion/Grokker
I will download a copy and play with it.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

IBM Research | IBM Innovation | Global Innovation Outlook

Al Gore and Jeff Skoll team up -changing the world one story at a time.

The activist organization set up to support this film and its message is an exemple of how Jeff Skoll's Participant Productions is producing feature films and supporting an activist organization for each film. this could be very powerful way to put Al Gore in spotlight for 2008.

An Inconvenient Truth

Monday, May 15, 2006

Author's and Publisher's Alert! A digital Tsunami is about to disrupt the book business.

Scan This Book! - New York Times:

Thanks to Stuart Silverstone for this link to Kevin Kelly's article in the current New York Times Magazine. In this piece, Kelly really "gets" the consequences of the web and new digital technology as he has for so many years following his coining the term The New Economy back in the day.

Kelly provides a clear analysis of the impact of the scanning activiities of the Google 5 Anatomy of Aggregate Collections: The Example of Google Print for Libraries to digitally capture and make searchable and retrievable by anyone on the web the millions of books in the libraries of 5 major universities. As with most of Kelly's futuristic forays, this article is well worth reading in depth.

Kelly describes an all-digital universal library of the future where the Napster style of "rip, mix and burn" will create opportunities for anyone to modify and enhance the original book content. He foresees a mixture of digital media almost too bizarre to imagine. But one thing Kelly makes clear to present and prospective authors and publishers is that the business model of book publishing will be drastically disrupted.

Kelly says "As copies have been dethroned, the economic model built on them is collapsing. In a regime of superabundant free copies, copies lose value. They are no longer the basis of wealth. Now relationships, links, connection and sharing are. Value has shifted away from a copy toward the many ways to recall, annotate, personalize, edit, authenticate, display, mark, transfer and engage a work. Authors and artists can make (and have made) their livings selling aspects of their works other than inexpensive copies of them. They can sell performances, access to the creator, personalization, add-on information, the scarcity of attention (via ads), sponsorship, periodic subscriptions in short, all the many values that cannot be copied. "

Permanent Innovation Download

Who links to - Powered by

Sunday, May 14, 2006

TEst of link to flickrtalk "private" pool

Albert Einstein

Saturday, May 13, 2006

A "weather map" of the Blogosphere "Hurricane"

Comment by dave davison: "A 2 screen visualization one for GIS and the other for Topic maps would provide potential for geobrowsing and display of complex information with geolocation metadata, and topic maps could provide a non-geographical visualization concurrently. Seing both at once either for interactive access or passive display would be very powerful.

If there is a desire to avoid imposing ontological order on the network content, visualizations like these could provide a 'weather map' of where this hurricane is headed.

The opportunity to SEE order emerging from complexity would provide us a truly unique way of understanding"

Life With Alacrity: On Being an Angel

Life With Alacrity: On Being an Angel
Christopher Allen hits it out of the park on this analysis of VC and Angel investing. Worth the consideration any Angel, VC, entrepreneur looking for funding or persons considering taking advisory roles in startups.

Thursday, May 04, 2006 - Bill Daul

Bill Daul Graphics Samples

Future Creators - Future Creators

This is the start version of socialtext wiki for FCFuture Creators - Future Creators

Ourmedia social text example

WikiNotes The Wealth of Networks

Nice layout and intro to a well designed wiki - followng the content of the book -Main Page - WikiNotes

LinkedIn: LinkedIn for Groups Guidelines

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Howard provides a good example of the use of the map for linkage to resources and comments.