Saturday, January 21, 2006

Bloghosted Conversations

How to Save the World: Dave Pollard's prediction on the next big thing in the blogosphere "Blog-Hosted Conversations: planned, edited conversations on a particular topic hosted by and transcribed on a blog or website"

This is the formula for Be Prepared - Here is another clip from his post: "But the indexing challenges remain: how do you put 'placeholders' in multimedia streams so that readers can hear/view only the section with the search keywords, in such a way that the context of the surrounding discussion isn't entirely lost? And what do you do when the real value of the audio or video isn't in the words themselves, but in the interaction, the images, the media integration itself? As bandwidth cost approaches zero, how much longer will we be satisfied essentially limiting our searches to the written word?"

this is our challenge.

Here's a link to an example from Peter Durand at Pop!Tech visualizing the speech of Malcolm Gladwell.

Alphachimp Tour: Graphic Facilitation

Long Now > Shop > Free Downloads > Seminar Downloads

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Peter Sandman Column: Superb Flu Pandemic Risk Communication: A Role Model from Australia

Friday, January 13, 2006


concept for idea bankalphachimp.

Team ITC Frappr!

Team ITC Frappr!the CN team.

Monday, January 09, 2006

The Art of Podcasting - How to produce your own global radio show.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Participant Productions first films get rave reviews

Press |

change our dependency on oil

Civil Rights - patriot act incursion Report Now!

Abuse of Women
